Let's work together

How Can I Help?

Provide pillowcases and other One Touch resources within your organization.

Sponsor a One Touch outreach project. We have MANY – Human Trafficking, Troops, homeless shelters, and more.

Make a donation.

Churches, organizations and businesses can share a gift of hope in several ways:

Ministry to ministry

churches can help

You can also personally give a One Touch Pillowcase, Snuggle Pillow, or Package of Hope to your friends and family. Resources are directly available to you online through the manufacturer. Each One Touch Pillowcase is embroidered with the One Touch logo on the hem, and inside each pillowcase is a fabric label declaring “One Touch from God is Greater than All the World Can Offer.” Each pillowcase and pillow come with a greeting card which you can sign.

One Touch from God is greater than all the world can offer. With the help of organizations like yours, One Touch Awakening's message of Hope is spreading around the globe.

mission to ministry

Organizations can help

“Lord, I pray for everyone sleeping on a One Touch Pillowcase, One Touch Snuggle Pillow, or under a One Touch blanket or mosquito net, that you would meet them at their point of need night after night.”

Be a part of this worldwide movement by simply praying this short, heartfelt prayer for those sleeping on our One Touch Resources:

mindfulness to ministry

Prayer Networks

Give the Gift of Hope

Each One Touch Pillow is embroidered with the One Touch Logo on the hem.

Inside each pillowcase is a fabric label declaring, "One Touch from God is Greater than All the World Can Offer."

Each pillowcase and pillow comes with a greeting card which you can sign.

Give individually or as a group.

All pillowcases are MADE IN THE USA.

Give a One Touch Pillowcase, Snuggle Pillow, One Touch Baby Blanket, or Package of Hope to your friends and family. Resources are directly available to you online through the manufacturer.   

Can you help?

One Touch from God is greater than all the world can offer. And God can use ONE person TODAY to touch someone’s life FOREVER. It’s happening around the globe, ONE pillowcase at a time.

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journal your way to a new perspective!

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This 14-day devotional is a tool to help you get out of your stuckness and on with the life God has planned for you.